Puzzled about Recovery?

*Monday 11.26.12 – A Puzzling Recovery*

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Yesterday, during worship, I had this image come into my mind that I think was from the Lord. It was a puzzle box filled with an unknown number of pieces. I shook it and sensed there must be at least 1000 pieces in there. There was no picture on the cover to help me see the image that I was to try and put together. Then, to make matters even more difficult, the pieces inside were all blank as well.

Can you imagine how hard it would be to put that puzzle together? A thousand blank pieces with no idea what the end product would look like. However, I knew what He was telling me. He was saying that is what recovery is like. And there are more than 1000 pieces. There could be 10,000 pieces. My dining room table would not be enough to put it together. Imagine just trying to find all the edge pieces to you could at least build a framework. It would seem impossible.

Maybe you feel that way about your recovery … or you life. It has gotten so complicated and so many pieces that you cannot put it all together. So we tend to give up. It is easier to just stumble along trying to not sin too often … but bad choices lead to worse choices and a habit becomes an addiction that wants to destroy all we hold dear. The problem is that you are trying to put all the pieces together yourself.

What if you gave the box of pieces to the Lord. What if each day He gave you one piece. Then the next day he gave you another piece that fit with the first piece. You could do that. You snap the new piece on to what has come before. Slowly the puzzle would begin to take shape and an image begins to appear on the pieces put together. The image is that of Jesus being formed in you. The picture is of what the Spirit is transforming you to be. A more Christ-like godly person.

Then, over time, left foot, right foot … you keep getting the piece you need from the Lord everyday. Sounds like a good plan for recovery. Jesus holds your recovery. Jesus wants to change you. He is ready to do it now …

One piece at a time. By the way – my puzzle has 2632 pieces so far. I wonder what He wants to give me today?

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