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Week 2 -- Lost and F.O.U.N.D.
Feb 1, 2025 • Mark Kesler
Do you feel lost in your life or in your recovery? Do you know what to do when you feel lost? In the past we may have experienced being lost or abandoned by a caregiver or blamed and punished for getting lost so we presently fear that God has forgotten or abandoned us and so we panic. But God, because of his great love, reminds us that he can't and won't forget or lose us. As proof, the prophet Isaiah tells us that God has permanently engraved our names on his hands (Isaiah 49:14-16). There was a point when the prophet Elijah felt terribly lost, just like us. In this session we'll use Elijah's experience and the acronym F.O.U.N.D. to practice five things to do when you feel lost.